quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2015

Office 365 Mailbox Sizes Reports using PowerShell

PowerShell para gerar relatório (CSV) de todas as caixas de e-mail com a quantidade de itens e tamanho total utilizado da cota.

Como utilizar:

Observação: Edite o PowerShell para alterar o local onde o arquivo CSV será salvo.

1 - Execute o Script.

2 - Será solicitado o login e senha.
3 - Coloque a suas credenciais do Office 365.

Mais informações: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/office/Office-365-Mailbox-Sizes-08e24bde

Resultado do PowerShell

Código PowerShell (Salvar com extensão .ps1)

 # Script that creates Report the size of e-mail accounts Office 365  
 # Script accepts 2 parameters from the command line   
 # Office365Username - Optional - Administrator login ID for the tenant we are querying   
 # Office365Password - Optional - Administrator login password for the tenant we are querying   
 # To run the script   
 # .\SendO365MailStats.ps1 [-Office365Username admin@xxxxxx.onmicrosoft.com] [-Office365Password Password123]  
 # Author:         Daniel Gimenes Violin   
 # Version:         1.0   
 # Last Modified Date:   12/11/2015   
 # Last Modified By:   Daniel Gimenes Violin daniel.violin@gmail.com   
 #Accept input parameters   
   [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]   
   [string] $Office365Username,   
   [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]   
   [string] $Office365Password   
 #Constant Variables   
 $OutputFile = "c:\Shellpro\logs\SendO365MailStats.csv"  #The CSV Output file that is created, change for your purposes   
 #Remove all existing Powershell sessions  
 Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession   
 #Did they provide creds? If not, ask them for it.  
 if (([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Office365Username) -eq $false) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Office365Password) -eq $false))  
   $SecureOffice365Password = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $Office365Password -Force     
   #Build credentials object   
   $Office365Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $Office365Username, $SecureOffice365Password   
      #Build credentials object   
   $Office365Credentials = Get-Credential  
 #Create remote Powershell session   
 $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://ps.outlook.com/powershell -Credential $Office365credentials -Authentication Basic –AllowRedirection  
 #Import the session   
 Import-PSSession $Session -AllowClobber | Out-Null   
 #get report and save a file   
 get-mailbox | get-mailboxstatistics | select DisplayName,ItemCount,TotalItemSize | export-csv $OutputFile